Project Description
Magna Engineers served as the prime consultant for this $1.5M electrical improvements project. The project included replacement of the existing main switchgear and motor control centers. The new switchgear and two of the motor control centers are located in a pre-fabricated, walk-in housing. Two additional motor control centers are located in the existing building in an area which was converted from a break room to a motor control room.
The new motor control centers are intelligent, with all control and monitoring functions provided through Ethernet I/P connections with the plant supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. This minimized the requirement for field wiring between the motor control centers and programmable logic controllers.
The new equipment was strategically located to allow the new construction to be nearly completed while the existing system remained in place, keeping the plant operational throughout construction. Termination cabinets were furnished at the old equipment locations, with connections made to existing power and control wiring systems. The connection cabinets allowed for organized and well labeled wiring systems.
The intelligent motor control centers provide extensive information including motor running current, voltage, and other information useful in troubleshooting and maintenance. This information was incorporated into the plant SCADA system for access and trending. The variable frequency drives and solid state starters are also configurable over the network connections.