Project Description
Laboratory Generator Addition Ft. Thomas Treatment Plant Ft. Thomas, Kentucky
The project includes the addition of a 250 KW standby diesel generator to serve the existing laboratory building. The generator will be connected through a new service entrance rated automatic transfer switch, which will back-feed the existing 120/208V main service panel for the building.
Prior to the detailed design, Magna performed an evaluation of the system. The laboratory is served by a separate utility service from the main water treatment plant. The main plant includes an existing standby diesel generator. Options were evaluated to serve the existing laboratory from the water treatment plant, both for normal power and emergency power. It was determined that the existing standby generator serving the water treatment plant was not of adequate size, the option for a new independent generator for the laboratory was selected.
The generator will be located in a sound attenuated enclosure with a sub-base fuel tank. A programmable logic controller will be located inside the generator housing to monitor various generator and transfer switch conditions, and will be networked with the existing plant SCADA system.
The transfer switch will be housed in a NEMA 4 secure enclosure and located outside the building near the generator. The existing service entrance conduits and conductors will be intercepted to back-feed the existing building, with new service conductors to the existing utility transformer, and to the new generator.
In addition, Magna assisted the Water District with selection of uninterruptible power system equipment to serve laboratory equipment. The UPS’s will carry the equipment through the momentary power outage until the generator is on-line and connected to the power system. The UPS’s will be purchased and installed directly by the Water District.